Friday, August 10, 2012

Indicators of sustainability by UNCSD

1.       Poverty

a.       Proportion of population living below national poverty line
b.      Ratio of share in national income of highest to lowest quintile
c.       Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facilities
d.      Share of household without electricity or other modern energy services
e.      Proportion of urban population living in slums

2.       Governance

a.       Percentage of population having paid bribes
b.      No of international homicides per 100,000 population

3.       Health

a.       Under five mortality rate
b.      Life expectancy at birth
c.       Percentage of population with access to primary health care facilities
d.      Immunization against infections childhood diseases
e.      Nutritional status of children
f.        Morbidity of major diseases like AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, etc.

4.       Education

a.       Gross intake ratio to last grade of primary education
b.      Adult secondary schooling attainment level
c.       Net enrolment rate in primary education
d.      Adult literacy rate

5.       Demographic

a.       Population growth rate
b.      Dependency ratio

6.       Natural hazard

a.       Percentage of total population living in coastal areas
b.      Proportion of fish stocks with in safe biological limits
c.       Promotion of marine area protected

7.       Atmosphere

a.       Carbon dioxide emission
b.      consumption of emission of ozone depleting substance
c.       Ambient concentration of air pollutants in urban areas

8.       Land
a.       Arable and permanent cropland area
b.      Proportion of land area covered by forest

9.       Oceans and seas

a.       Percentage of total population living in coastal areas
b.      Proportion of fish stocks with in the safe biological limits
c.       Proportion of marine area protected

10.   Fresh water

a.       Proportion of total water resources used
b.      Water use of intensity by economic activities
c.       Presence of fiscal califorms in fresh water

11.   Biodiversity

a.       Proportion of terrestrial area protected
b.      Change in threat status of species

12.   Economic development

a.       GDP per capita
b.      Investment share GDP
c.       Debt to GNI ratio
d.      Employment population ratio
e.      Labor productivity and unit labor costs
f.        Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector
g.       Internal users per 1 lakh population
h.      Tourism contribution to GDP

13.   Global economic partnership

a.       Current account deficit as percentage of GDP
b.      Net official development assistance given or received as a percentage of GNI

14.   Consumption and production pattern

a.       Material intensity of the economy
b.      Annual energy consumption
c.       Intensity of energy use
d.      Generation of hazardous waste
e.      Waste treatment and disposal
f.        Model split of passenger transportation

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